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Photos by @roxy.psd


Rosalind Anketell, a queer Australian comedian and singer/songwriter raised by a family of witches.  Rosalind plunged into improv comedy at Boom Chicago in Amsterdam, and fell in love with making people laugh. After deciding to take the leap into stand-up, she now suffers from an incurable comedy addiction and is ready to take audiences under her spell. 

Achievements & Awards:

  • Selected to join the Boom Chicago house team for improv comedy ‘Thuis party’
  • Winner ‘Newbie of the Month’ TUNA (Tiny Underground Newbie Award) | Sept ’24 | That Comedy Thing
  • Winner ‘Best Writing’ Award | Sept ’24 | That Comedy Thing
  • Winner of the August ‘Rose Show’ Competition | Aug ’24 | Quips & Bits Comedy